sharing a poetic LIFELINE with the world

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Political Poetry

Poets write poems about anything and everything.  Here are a couple of poems I wrote during election season, November 2016:

Grab That

If Trump wins
nothing will be the same.

I’ll lose my healthcare
and have to beg on corners
for insulin
and anti-depressants.

We’ll go to war
with everyone.

And no one will be safe.

Especially kitties
and other pussies.

Day 8: nothing will be the same/nothing will ever change
November 8, 2016

Say Something Political

Like I have to ask,
everyone has their opinion
and they all want to wave
it in your face.

Like hanging with folks
dressed in trench coats,
ready to expose themselves
at the slightest provocation.

The jackets fly open
and I see your Hilary or Sanders
sticker. You proudly show off Stein.
Yes, your Trump sticker’s bigger
than all the rest.

Excuse me, but I like those
who play their cards closer
to the vest, who won’t reveal
who they voted for, who believe
in the privacy of the voting booth.

Not that I know any.

Day 7
November 7, 2016

2017 Embroidery Challenge

In December 2016 I was invited to an embroidery challenge. The challenge was to stitch every day in 2017 (at least one stitch) and post your progress on social media. I joined the Facebook group: 1 Year of Stitches: 2017 and decided to post the pictures of my progress on my Facebook timeline. I knew that freeform was not my style so I decided to do “little embroideries,” using designs that I already had and randomly picking the floss color for each one. The randomness is gone and the “little embroideries” may get bigger as the year goes by.


I was excited to start, but apprehensive too. How much time would this take? Could I keep up?
Would I get bored? I decided on using three strands of embroidery floss (out of 6) which would make a finer design. I’m also using felt on some of the designs. I use a Sulky wash-away stabilizer that comes in packs of 12 sheets that you can print designs on with your printer. You just print out the design and peel it off the backing and it sticks to your fabric. It doesn’t always stick well. I usually embroider in the morning. If I turn on all my lights I have enough lighting at night to embroider too.


Starting three days before January 1st, I felt a sense of urgency, which didn’t leave me until the first design was done, the hummingbird, in a week’s time. Now I don’t have the same sense of urgency. I am supposed to post to the Facebook group on Sundays, but now post whenever I have a finished embroidery to share. I’m on Day 54 and have finished five so far.


I’ve framed one and plan to frame the rest for gifts in 2018. One friend has already tagged the angelfish for herself. The themes are one color floss and bling! I’m beading each one, and adding sequins to some of them.


What have I learned so far? That saying you’ll do something for a year is quite different than actually working on something every day. That I have to take it one day at a time or the task will seem far too enormous. That having external support (Facebook likes and friend’s comments and the support of the Poetic Muselings) is extremely important and helpful. Here’s to 10 more months of stitching! And 8 days!!!


This is my current WIP, a chandelier, almost done:


Creating in Times of Change, Uncertainty and Conflict

You might think, “Everything’s up in the air. I can’t write.”

Or, “I’m so upset, I can’t paint right now.”

Or, “I’m moving and I’ve put all my supplies away. I’m not able to make anything.”

These are the times, during change, when it’s imperative to pick up the pen, the paintbrush, to sew, dance and make music.

In the past year there’s been lots of change in my life. I have a new boyfriend. There’s been a lot of family and friend drama. I’ve considered moving. On the world stage, there’s been a divisive election year followed by an even more chaotic post-election season.


I’ve had a hard time creating this year. It seems pointless to write and make things when I’m upset or angry. Is my creative work important during these changing times? I’ve decided it is. In spite of all this chaos, I’ve learned the basics of quilting, started a photography website Anne Westlund Photography and even wrote a few poems.

If nothing ever changes, we become stale and so do the products of our creativity. Rather than decry these “interesting times,” use them as fodder for your creative impulses. Utilize conflict and uncertainty as inspiration, subject matter, and learn to see the world in a new way, with “new eyes.”

That’s what we need, a new vision, not the “same old, same old.” So get creating! Much success to you!


“Of Frogs and Fishing”

Here are three poems I wrote in response to photo prompts for F2k class at Writers Village University.  Writing a poem inspired by a photograph is harder than you think!


Of Frogs and Fishing

I’ve kissed a few frogs.

In the fourth grade,
warts on my hands
from kissing a boy,
no doubt,
his eyes bulging, croaking
hello in the halls.

The auto mechanic
who told me fish stories,
never kissed him.

Prince or pauper?

The newly divorced,
washed up on the beach,
flopping on the sand.
Yeah, I kissed him.

Plenty of fish in the sea,
or so they say.

The businessman who flashed
a fistful of credit cards,
enough for decent fishing gear.
I never kissed him.

Maybe it was the tin crown
that fooled me, the too shy
toad always just out of reach.
I kissed him.

Does that make me a princess
in a pink tutu, ever hopeful?

I’ve kissed
a few frogs.



I believe in liberty,
justice, peace and plenty.

All that good shit.

The flag for which it stands.

And the Pursuit of Happiness.

You both get out of my way
before you get trampled.

And that guy, carrying that flag
on the beach, like it was yours alone…
and alone to bear.

These red, white and blue tennies
will leave marks on your back.

So get out of my way,
get out of my way.



My bedroom,
shelves of notebooks
and books, both kinds,
hardback and paperback.

They could be the important
kind, history, philosophy,
politics, law.

Instead, fiction-old favorites
and new friends, cookbooks,
Astrology and travel books,
writing books.

The local branch
of the Westlund library.

Make Visible: Capture Your Ideas, Take 2

Michele’s Note: One of the best parts of working as closely as Anne, Mary, Margaret, and I have done over the past several years, is how much fun it is to see the different interpretations and approaches to a subject.

After I found out that some of our efforts had become part of Barbara Sher’s Scanner Daybook/Journal collection, I decided to update my Never Forget Your Dreams post. My first version inspired Anne, and we decided to bring hers back to show how our ideas create their own reality. Enjoy!

Capture Your Ideas

This post was inspired by Michele’s wonderful post:  Never Forget Your Dreams.

If you capture your ideas you’ll actually have more of them.  For one thing, you will have a record of the ideas you do have! This applies to writing, art and even things like organizing your garage.

I use a Scanner Daybook (from Barbara Sher’s Refuse to Choose) for my craft, organization, school, and other ideas.  Some pages below:

100 Dreams

Click on photo to enlarge.

For writing ideas I have a small notebook in my purse, but any piece of scratch paper will do.  Then I transfer the writing ideas to 4 x 6 notecards that I keep in a “recipe” box.

I also keep notes on my computer desktop using Stickies (a computerized version of yellow sticky notes).

Other methods of capturing your ideas include leaving pens and notepads around the house, using voice-activated software for computer, voice recorders or saving notes on your phone or blackberry.


Embroidery Ideas



Why capture your ideas?

Not only will you have a record of ideas that you can refer to later for inspiration or planning;  you will free your brain up from trying to remember them.

This leaves you space to use your imagination and bring your ideas to fruition in the form of a story, artwork or clean garage.  🙂

 “Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.”~Robert Bresson, French Film Director
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Make Visible: The Feminine, by Anne

This post was one of our favorites, and is being shared again. Enjoy!

I’m a poet with a particular point of view, and write poems on different subjects from my point of view. Each poem is an expression, through me, of inspiration or Spirit or emotion. What you see in this light is what you bring to the poem.

“The Feminine” is often expressed in writing by men. I offer you this poem, by a woman about femininity and what it means to be a woman. To me, just to me.

No Woman is an Island

More like vast continents
covered in dark forests,
hidden lakes and tributaries,
golden cities.

This land, dotted with small towns,
broad highways and dirt roads
is easy to get lost in.

There are no maps,
no signposts.

It’s not my fault,
if you lose your way…

Anne-1-25-16 post pic

© Anne Westlund

“Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.”~Robert Bresson, French Film Director



1st Poetic Muselings Summer Poetry Challenge/Winner Announced!

write picAnne Westlund is the winner of the 1st Poetic Muselings Summer Poetry Challenge with 9 new poems written and posted!

She has ordered and received the writing book of her choice from starfire41fPfRnGt7L._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_


Week by Week: A Year’s Worth of Journaling Prompts & Meditations by Amber Lea Starfire.

Thanks for playing along and reading our poems!





“Summer Night”

write-picI wrote this poem in response to this painting by Winslow Homer, part of Challenge #5 on Create, Share, Encourage, a G+ community.

Summer Night

My bare feet touch the sandy boardwalk.
You are still wearing your shoes.

We dance, you insist on leading,
hand at my waist.

I hold on to your shoulder, the better dancer,
more experienced, at this.

The other women look out to sea,
as the lights bounce off the waves.

We can hear the music from the band,
far out of frame, off the canvas,
unpainted, but not unheard.

This summer night,
will it ever end?

I let you go, finally.

You are not my boyfriend.
I am not your husband.

Dance alone, darling one.
Dance alone now.





They call them UFOs,
unfinished objects.

Is there anything sadder
than projects left half-done?

Maybe its projects planned, not started?
The kits still enclosed in plastic,
paints unopened, canvas untouched.

Even sadder, projects brought this close
to completion, but never quite finished.

With a bottom drawer of neglected manuscripts,
fishing tackle box containing pastels barely used,
containers of unopened Mod Podge,
the aforementioned Christmas cross-stitch kits,
never to be stitched, at least by me.

Who am I to talk?
Who am I to talk?





"A little grace."

write-picChallenge #4: “A little grace.”

[Challenge #4…… use four different media in one composition….which tells a story….. include the journaled story or not as you wish……Any takers? (2 week challenge) ]

I used markers, paper, a canvas board and a glue stick. It was really hard sticking to just four media. To me it seems a little plain, but that suits the poem I guess… thanks for the challenge, Grace Solman !

Here’s the poem, which is part of the piece.

A little grace.

Iron bars
are not needed
to make
a prison.

Your mind
can build
the strongest

Before your eyes
a golden key

Take it!

While you still can.
with both hands.


